1. Definitions
    i.. Event: the specific Kirumba Homecoming Music Festival event which you have entered into.
    ii. Participant: you, as a natural person or legal entity, as registered to enter an Event.
    iii. Partner: the company, legal entity or natural person working with Kirumba SDA Church for the Event, including Investors.
    iv. Sponsor: the company, legal entity supporting and contributing to the Kirumba Homecoming Music Festival Event.
    v. Church: Kirumba Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church
    vi. Parties: should be understood as encompassing the church, Partner(s) and Investor(s) and/or Sponsor(s).
    vii. Participant: natural person or legal entity chosen to participate in the Event.
  2. Event Admission.
    Attendee’s registration for the Event entitles Attendee to admittance to the Event. 
    Attendee acknowledges and agrees that the church, in its sole discretion and at any time, reserves the right to change any and all aspects of the Event, including but not limited to, the Event name, themes, content, program, speakers, performers, hosts, moderators, venue and time. The church reserves the right to decline the registration of any applicant.
  3. General conditions of participation in the Event
    Registration is open to all former choir members and/or their families who are 18 years or older. There is a limit of only one entry per participant. Except if stated or agreed on explicitly otherwise, you will have to cover your own travel, meals and accommodation arrangements as well as any related costs to participate in the Event. The registration and/or decision of the church is final and conclusive in all circumstances and no correspondence will be entered into. When applicable, the church may offer participants various awards. Such awards are not transferable to another individual and no cash or other alternatives will be offered. The church reserves the right to make such an investment or not at the outcome of such review. Participants are responsible for expenses and arrangements including any necessary travel documents, passports and visas. Awards are subject to availability and the church reserves the right to amend or alter the awards or revoke awards from participants not abiding to church guidelines.
  4. Code of conduct and policies
    Registration through the google link means you commit to respect all values and provisions outlined in the church manual Code of conduct and related church policies when participating in a Program or Event and in any interaction related to the event.
  5. Damages
    By registering to participate in the Event, you waive all rights to claim, (i) punitive, incidental or consequential damages, (ii) any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased, and (iii) any other damages, other than damages for actual out-of-pocket expenses, or any award of equitable relief, including injunctive relief or an award of specific performance.
  6. Intellectual Property
    By your registration and/or participation, you declare that you have sufficient ownership of intellectual property rights (trademarks, etc), programmes and/or content included in your application and any following presentation, pitch or otherwise, and that you do not infringe on any intellectual property right or any other rights that any third party may hold in Tanzania or abroad regarding the contents and exempting the church and its partners from any liability regarding the use of the above-mentioned content. Specifically, and in relation to the content and images that you may make public during the Event, you guarantee and are liable to the Parties and third parties for the following aspects:
    a). You are the legitimate owner or holder of rights, granting the Parties the license for their publication and, where appropriate, have obtained the necessary consent from third parties to do so.
    b). You do not violate applicable laws such as those relating to the right to privacy, image and/or honour, intellectual, industrial or similar property rights, or any right of a third party, either a person or an entity.
    c). In the unlikely event that you publish personal details about another person during the course of the Event, you should have previously obtained their consent for the publication.
    You will therefore be liable to the Parties for the accuracy of the details reported, ensuring that they do actually correspond to you and not to a third party, holding the Parties harmless from any demand or claim that, if applicable, could be made by third parties in relation to the above statements, and any legitimate right to the content that is published and/or provided to the Parties as part of the Event.
    You are in any event solely liable for the consequences of damages or actions arising from the use of the content included in proposals, presents or related thereof, as well as their reproduction and diffusion.
  7. Data Privacy and Privacy Policy.
    The church is committed to data privacy and protecting your personal information. The church uses the personal data Attendee provides during registration for the Event in order to administer Attendee’s participation in the Event. The church may disclose your personal data to third party service providers engaged by the church to assist in the administration of the Event. Information you provide when registering for or participating in this event may be shared with the parties, and the treatment of such information is further subject to the privacy policies of those parties.
  8. Use of images and recordings
    The Parties may take photographs and films during the Event to be used as a public record or for publicity and/or promotional purposes. You, as a Participant, consent and give permission to the Parties, affiliates and subsidiaries, to use these images, including any motion picture, still photograph and sound records of your voice for the purposes of the Event and in connection with the diffusion of the church and its activities which may include advertising, promotion and marketing. This exploitation includes the right to reproduce, publish, represent, adapt, edit, crop, alter or modify these Images of me and combine such Images with other images, text, audio recordings and graphics without notifying me. These images could be used in print and digital media formats including print publications, websites, e-marketing, posters banners, advertising, film, social media, teaching and research purposes. Furthermore, you allow the church to transfer the granted rights to any third party, that you will not have the right to approve any of the material and that they might not be named as a participant in the Event. The participants acknowledge that they do not expect to gain financially from their appearances in any Events-related material. You understand that images on websites can be viewed throughout the world and not just in Tanzania and that some overseas countries may not provide the same level of protection to the rights of individuals as Tanzania legislation provides. You understand that some images or recordings may be kept permanently once they are published and be kept as an archive of the Parties.
  9. Reserved rights
    The church reserves the right to restrict participation in the Event or disqualify any registration/entry for any reason, including any act in violation of these rules or any unethical or disruptive conduct. The church also reserves the right to suspend, terminate, or modify the contest at our sole discretion if any fraud, technical or other factors impair the integrity or function of the Event and to seek reasonable damages, including attorney’s fees, from those responsible, if any.
  10. Cancellation of the Event. The church shall be entitled, in her reasonable discretion, to cancel, delay and/or recommence an Event with immediate effect without any liability to you. The church may cancel an Event at her sole discretion.
  11. Exclusion of liability / indemnity Without excluding, restricting or modifying the rights and remedies to which you may be entitled under applicable law or our liabilities under those provisions:
    The church is not liable to you for any cost incurred or loss or liability you suffer in any way in relation to the Event. This includes personal injury and property damage. You acknowledge that the details of the Event are subject to changes we make in our sole discretion with or without notice to you and that we do not make any warranty or representation as to: (i) the suitability of the Event to your circumstances; (iii) your prospects of getting an award; (iv) the effect of the Event on you or your idea; or (v) any other thing related to the Event. The church excludes all other implied terms and warranties, whether statutory or otherwise, relating to the Event and the subject matter of our agreement with you. The church will not be liable to you for indirect or consequential loss arising from or connected to our agreement with you in contract, tort, under any statute or otherwise (including, without limitation, for loss of revenue, loss of profits, failure to realise expected profits or savings, loss of intellectual property, breach of confidence or any other commercial or economic loss of any kind). The church’s liability to you for loss or damage of any kind arising out of our agreement with you or in connection with the relationship established by it is reduced to the extent (if any) that you cause or contribute to the loss or damage. This reduction applies whether our liability is in contract, tort (including negligence), under any statute or otherwise. You indemnify the church in relation to any loss caused by:
    i). a breach by you of these terms and conditions; or
    ii). any action by a third party in relation to your use of intellectual property in relation to the Competition.
  12. Force Majeure
    We shall not be liable to perform any of our obligations under the Event where we are unable to do so as a result of unforeseen circumstances or circumstances beyond our reasonable control and we shall not be liable to compensate you in such circumstances.
  13. Confidential information
    You agree to keep confidential any information which you know or reasonably ought to know is confidential and relates to us or the Event. There is no reasonable expectation that the contents of its application are confidential information and that none of the sponsors or the church will be under any obligation to treat such application and its contents as confidential information.
  14. Acceptance of terms & conditions
    Mere registration for the Event implies acceptance of the whole contents of these Terms and Conditions. Non-acceptance of any of the points that make up these Terms and Conditions entails non-participation in the Event.
  15. Applicable law & dispute resolution
    This Agreement is governed by the laws of Tanzania. Any disputes related thereof or in relation with the participation in the Event shall be adjudicated by the Courts of Tanzania. By entering the Event, you agree that
    i). any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of, or in connection with, the Event, or any award granted shall be resolved individually without resort to any form of class action;
    ii). any claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering the Event, but in no event attorney’s fees.
  16. Miscellaneous
    If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held to be unenforceable, it will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions. These Terms and Conditions may be amended from time to time. Any amendments shall be effected by updating the amended Terms and Conditions. The church may, but is not obligated to, inform you of any amendment. Interpretations of this agreement and determinations that a participant has breached the agreement will be made at the church’s reasonable discretion and based upon facts known to us. The failure by the church to enforce any right under these Terms and Conditions will not waive the right of the church to do so.














